I imagine hell would have to be a very specific place – it would have to be able to adapt to the true horrors of first-world life. Anyway, your weekend homework is to mull over the potential validity of an[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Fun fact: I used the American spelling for diarrhea because I’m sorry British English but “Diarrhoea”? Where’d you get that O? That doesn’t belong to you, give it back.
From humble beginnings- a tiny energy pulse in rural North America- it was embraced by Hollywood, given movie deals and corporate sponsors until one day, it returned that embrace <3
My friend recently returned from Russia and told me about old women (babushkas) being judgemental of cool youths on trains, so this comic happened. Also don’t talk to me about ‘babushka doll’ being the wrong name for it! The fact[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Now someone’s gonna get on my case for not taking into account the grammatical gender of peanut-butter and jelly in whatever second-language they speak! Comics, am I right?