Australia has had an extra-intense fascination with Tamagotchis. For example, the 2009 animated series was translated into English, but out of all the English speaking countries, it has so far only aired in Australia. Weird.
579 comics.
Spiders don’t bite, they pinch and punch on the first of the month. Another thing: When spiders crawl into your mouth while you’re sleeping, they’re just trying to work out what your favourite food is so they can prepare it[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Ever noticed how everyone playing pokies/slot machines always looks so bored and unhappy? Do you think there’s a link there???
Remember when we hit 50 comics and we asked the pope what do to? Remember that? Do you??? Anyway, wow, we did it! 100 comics! And by we I mean me. I did it. It was me. I’d[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…