That’s what you get for indulging in whimsy, jerk! Things happening: A new shirt will be available soon, based on this comic! I hope you will like it. Preview here. and another one on the way after that. (hint) It[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Posts Tagged magic
8 results.
Hello we got about one week left to meet these shirt deadlines, tell your friends! Buy one for your dog! LETS DO THIS!! BOYS! GIRLS!
Monday knowledge morsel: ‘Flipendo’ is a spell from the video game adaptations! I hope your week is cool!
Nobel Prize winner. First he developed the tank, now he’s so close to exposing the great secret of the animal world. What will he do next? WELL?
HE didn’t have to merge! That’s not fair! That’s not fair at all! Part 2 is small and on Monday. You have to be gentle with small things or else you’re in a book called Of Mice and Men. Get[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…